Cambridge University SWSS will be meeting every Monday in the Erasmus Room, Queens' College at 7pm. Meeting will have a short introduction and lots of time for questions, discussion and debate.
Scroll down for the termcard!
Meeting for the Cambridge SWP town branch are every Thursday, 7:30pm, Upstairs, CB2 Cafe, Norfolk St, students are very welcome.
cambridge SWSS meeting
Monday 28th January // 6pm
Erasmus Room, Queens' College
Climate Change: are we too late to save the planet?
with Amy Gilligan (Socialist Activist)
Last year saw the failure of yet another summit to deal with climate change. We face the urgent question of how to stop climate chaos.
We will discuss and debate whether 'materialism' and 'consumerism' really the problems behind the current crisis?; to what extent are the problems of climate change the problems of capitalism?; could a socialist society meet the challenges of an environmentally harmonious and sustainable future?
At the heart of these issues also lies the question of agency - who can stop global warming and how?
Come and join the discussion. All welcome!
Come and join the discussion. All welcome!
Erasmus Room @ Queens. Enter via Porters Lodge, over the bridge, across the courtyard and to the right up the stairs. Unfortunately the room is not wheelchair accessible. Ring 07821177250 if you need directions.
Cambridge SWP Branch Meeting
Thursday 8th November // 7:30pm
CB2 Cafe, Norfolk St
Obama - whos side is he on?
Monday 21st January
Monday 28th January ** 6pm**
Climate Change: are we too late to save the planet?
Amy Gilligan (Activist, University of Cambridge)
Monday 11th March
Capital and Class in China Today
Jane Hardy (University of Herfordshire)
Monday 8th October
Monday 15th October
Unravelling Capitalism: an introduction to Marxist economics
Joseph Choonara (author Unravelling Capitalism: an introduction to Marxist Political Economy)
5th October
19th October
Permanent Revolution and the Arab Revolts
Speaker: Amy Gilligan (Student activist, Cambridge University)
26th October
Scroll down for the termcard!
Meeting for the Cambridge SWP town branch are every Thursday, 7:30pm, Upstairs, CB2 Cafe, Norfolk St, students are very welcome.
Meetings this week
cambridge SWSS meeting
Monday 28th January // 6pm
Erasmus Room, Queens' College
Climate Change: are we too late to save the planet?
with Amy Gilligan (Socialist Activist)
Last year saw the failure of yet another summit to deal with climate change. We face the urgent question of how to stop climate chaos.
We will discuss and debate whether 'materialism' and 'consumerism' really the problems behind the current crisis?; to what extent are the problems of climate change the problems of capitalism?; could a socialist society meet the challenges of an environmentally harmonious and sustainable future?
At the heart of these issues also lies the question of agency - who can stop global warming and how?
Come and join the discussion. All welcome!
Come and join the discussion. All welcome!
Erasmus Room @ Queens. Enter via Porters Lodge, over the bridge, across the courtyard and to the right up the stairs. Unfortunately the room is not wheelchair accessible. Ring 07821177250 if you need directions.
Cambridge SWP Branch Meeting
Thursday 8th November // 7:30pm
CB2 Cafe, Norfolk St
Obama - whos side is he on?
Monday 21st January
Alienation: an introduction to Marx's theory
Dan Swain (University of Essex, author Alienation: an introduction to Marx's theory)
Dan Swain (University of Essex, author Alienation: an introduction to Marx's theory)
Monday 28th January ** 6pm**
Climate Change: are we too late to save the planet?
Amy Gilligan (Activist, University of Cambridge)
Monday 4th February
Monday 11th February
No SWSS meeting - Cambridge UAF public meeting
No SWSS meeting - Cambridge UAF public meeting
Monday 18th February
The fight for LGBT liberation
Shanice McBean (KCL Women's Officer and Activist)
The fight for LGBT liberation
Shanice McBean (KCL Women's Officer and Activist)
Monday 25th February
The uses and abuses of Antonio Gramsci
Mark Bergfeld (Socialist Activist)
Monday 4th March
Georg Lukacs’ History and Class Consciousness
Owen Holland (Activist, University of Cambridge)
Mark Bergfeld (Socialist Activist)
Monday 4th March
Georg Lukacs’ History and Class Consciousness
Owen Holland (Activist, University of Cambridge)
Monday 11th March
Capital and Class in China Today
Jane Hardy (University of Herfordshire)
Monday 8th October
Why Marx Was Right
Alex Callincos (King's College London, author The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx)
Alex Callincos (King's College London, author The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx)
Monday 15th October
Unravelling Capitalism: an introduction to Marxist economics
Joseph Choonara (author Unravelling Capitalism: an introduction to Marxist Political Economy)
Monday 22nd October
Cuts, abortion rights and family values: are the Tories a threat to women?
Jen Wilkinson (Socialist Activist)
Jen Wilkinson (Socialist Activist)
Monday 29th October
By any Means Necessary: Malcolm X and the fight against Racism
Brian Richardson (Socialist Barrister)
By any Means Necessary: Malcolm X and the fight against Racism
Brian Richardson (Socialist Barrister)
Monday 5th November
The race for the White House
Megan Trudell (Socialist Activist)
The race for the White House
Megan Trudell (Socialist Activist)
Monday 12th November
What would a socialist society look like?
Sai Englert (Socialist Activist)
Monday 19th November- ** IN THE GRADUATE UNION**
Debt: a new dimension to class struggle?
Costas Todoulos (Greek Socialist)
Sai Englert (Socialist Activist)
Monday 19th November- ** IN THE GRADUATE UNION**
Debt: a new dimension to class struggle?
Costas Todoulos (Greek Socialist)
Monday 26th November
Capital and Class in China Today
Jane Hardy (University of Herfordshire)
Capital and Class in China Today
Jane Hardy (University of Herfordshire)
Upcoming Cambridge SWP branch meetings
1st Nov
Can Keynesianism solve the economic crisis?
1st Nov
Can Keynesianism solve the economic crisis?
5th October
Riots, Recession and Resistance:
Why we Need a Revolution to Win
Speaker: Tom Woodcock (Teacher & NUT activist)
12th October
Marx, Crisis and Revolution
Speaker: Mark L. Thomas (Editor, Socialist Review)
Chetwynd Room, King's College
Why we Need a Revolution to Win
Speaker: Tom Woodcock (Teacher & NUT activist)
12th October
Marx, Crisis and Revolution
Speaker: Mark L. Thomas (Editor, Socialist Review)
Chetwynd Room, King's College
19th October
Permanent Revolution and the Arab Revolts
Speaker: Amy Gilligan (Student activist, Cambridge University)
The Struggle to liberate Palestine:
the case for BDS
Speaker: John Rose (Author, The Myths of Zionism)
2nd November
Festivals of the Oppressed:
Women and Revolution from Russia to Egypt
Speaker: Judith Orr (Author, Rebel's Guide to Women's Liberation; Editor, Socialist Worker)
16th November
Crime, Class and Corruption:
the Politics of the Police
Speaker: Dave Sewell (Journalist, Socialist Worker)
*THURS* 2nd February
Wed 8th February
Raunch Culture and Sexism Today
Speaker: Sara Bennett ( Unite activist)
(Venue TBC)
Speaker: Matt Kelly ( Teacher and NUT activist)
Venue: Armitage Room, Queens' College
Wednesday 14th March
Joint Cambridge SWSS/ CU Palsoc meeting
Imperialism, Palestine and the Arab Revolts
Speaker: Simon Assaf
16th November
Crime, Class and Corruption:
the Politics of the Police
Speaker: Dave Sewell (Journalist, Socialist Worker)
*THURS* 2nd February
Marxism and Alienation
Speaker: Dan Swain ( Author, Alienation: an introduction to Marx's theory)
Venue: CB2 Cafe, Norfolk St
Speaker: Dan Swain ( Author, Alienation: an introduction to Marx's theory)
Venue: CB2 Cafe, Norfolk St
Wed 8th February
Raunch Culture and Sexism Today
Speaker: Sara Bennett ( Unite activist)
(Venue TBC)
Wed 22nd February
Marxism and LanguageSpeaker: Matt Kelly ( Teacher and NUT activist)
Venue: Armitage Room, Queens' College
Wednesday 14th March
Joint Cambridge SWSS/ CU Palsoc meeting
Imperialism, Palestine and the Arab Revolts
Speaker: Simon Assaf